Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Spencer Jack Is Sliding In Arizona With Free Taco Bell Tacos

Photo confirmation from Spencer Jack's girl friend, Brittney, arrived this morning, confirming that Spencer Jack is now in Arizona having himself a mighty fine time, in water, in the Valley of the Sun.

I called my mom and dad on Easter but did not talk to them because at the point in time when I called my mom and dad were letting their answering machine pick up incoming calls.

I called my mom and dad this morning and this time my mom answered.

Apparently mom and dad were at church when I called on Easter. My mom seems to think I purposefully call when they are at church. I plead not guilty due to ignorance, on my part, of what time it is in Arizona when I call, what with the time zone difference and Arizona's not going along with the Daylight Savings Time concept, except for the part of Arizona that is north of the Grand Canyon.

Today my mom and dad have a full schedule, so they most likely won't be seeing Spencer Jack today. Apparently when a baseball team called the Razorbacks or Diamondbacks, or some other back, wins a baseball game by 6 points one can get oneself a free taco at Taco Bell. So, mom and dad are having dinner at Taco Bell tonight.

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