Sunday, April 14, 2013

Leo's Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup Update

I got an email early this morning from Leo, subject line: "Rattlesnake Update!"

I've received emails from Leo previously, regarding the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup.

I think due to my Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup webpage coming in near the top, or at the top, when searchers search Google and other web searchers, that some people of limited comprehension ability assume I am some sort of official Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup person.

Leo's previous emails resulting in blog posts with the following titles...

Apparently I Have A Big Rattlesnake Surprise Waiting For Me


The Sweetwater Rattlesnakes Will Have Their Day


Apparently Killing Sweetwater Rattlesnakes Is Senseless & Makes You Look Like A Moron


I Am A Tree Hugging Idiot Rounding Up Sweetwater Rattlesnakes


Apparently Children Are Witnessing Rattlesnake Beheadings In Sweetwater Texas

Today's email from Leo said........

Dear Sir/Madam,
Please see the attached.
Yours sincerely.

Leo's attachment consisted of a PDF file, which consisted, in its totality, that which you see above, that being a photo and text below the photo that said.....

Pictured here are some of the foulest people on the
planet; animal abusers and killers. Mindless, sick in the
head individuals, with principles rotten to the point of
putrefaction. Those whose only purpose in life seems
to be to inflict as much pain, misery and suffering as

Having just completed a day's rattlesnake hunt, where
the 'great State of Texas' is apparently overrun with
them, they managed to catch just the one snake.

Is it must me, or does Leo seem just a tad overwrought???

1 comment:

  1. Leo sounds fat to me.

    Kinda like Bud Kennedy.

    Or Fubbo.
