Friday, March 8, 2013

Walking My Neighborhood Fort Worth Greenbelt Dodging Meteorites & Houseboats

Today I decided to get in my daily walk by once again hiking on my neighborhood's new, to me, parkland.

Today I did not hike into Fort Worth's unofficial newest park, that being Canyon Creek Park.

Instead I walked right past the entry to Canyon Creek Park and continued on to Canyon Creek Trail, which is a sidewalk-less paved road for motorized vehicles, upon which I headed north til I got to ultra-steep Palo Verde Lane, which I used to access the Fort Worth "Greenbelt" you see in the picture.

My neighborhood Fort Worth "Greenbelt" has a lot of towers, of various sorts, on it, with a lot of lines strung between the towers.

Last week it occurred to me that mountain biking might be fun on my neighborhood Fort Worth "Greenbelt."

I found myself wondering why I'd never seen anyone mountain biking on these hills.

Today I believe I saw the reason this might not be a good place to roll my tires. On the ground I saw a lot of thin branches with really sharp, tube puncturing type projectiles.

Hiking this particular Fort Worth "Greenbelt" there are homes and apartment complexes, at times, on both the west and east side of the "Greenbelt."

You walk past the backyards of a lot of these homes, seeing some interesting things in the process. Like the grounded "houseboat" you see for sale, below.

I doubt many people walk by the above location and see the "houseboat" for sale. It is a rather landlocked location for a boat. I could not figure out how it got there or how it would get out of there. I wonder if "houseboats" like this will float on Pond Granger if the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle ever gets its promised pond filled with water?

Leaving my neighborhood Fort Worth "Greenbelt" I walked on Bridge Street past the giant sculptural monument that welcomes people to Fort Worth, as they head west on Interstate 30.

Eventually Bridge Street comes to the "Ghost Store" that used to be a Kroger's grocery. It was at this location I saw the strangest thing I saw today, which is what you are looking at below.

Is that a giant meteorite that has landed on the abandoned Kroger's parking lot? How did this giant hunk of rock get in this location? If it is a meteorite, should it not have made some sort of giant hole? And made a big noise when it did so?

Very perplexing.

I am really starting to enjoy my neighborhood explorations. I've decided I sort of live in Twin Peaks Texas.

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