Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tandy Falls With Fuji Apples & Spencer Jack Serving Ivar's Clam Chowder Since 1967

No. That is not a Boondoggle Designer's model of what Pond Granger will look like if the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle ever becomes anything anyone can see.

What you are looking at is Lake Tandy. That is not a boat floating in Lake Tandy. It is a Coleman Cooler.

Water was flowing over Tandy Falls today. This means somewhere in East Fort Worth there is a water leak, because we have not had rain since the last time I walked past Tandy Falls and at that point in time the falls was bone dry.

Hiking today was in near perfect conditions, with the pleasant temperature, near 80, requiring minimalist outerwear.

Though the conditions were perfect I saw only two other hikers, sitting together atop a Tandy Hill. We exchanged waves. A few days ago I learned why I see few hikers on the Tandy Hills. That being that the people who live in the Dallas/Fort Worth zone are America's least active.

Changing the subject to something else, that being Town Talk.

Last Saturday Town Talk was the busiest I've ever seen it. This Saturday the parking lot was only half full and there were no lines at the checkout counters. Today I got myself three 5 pound bags of Fuji apples from Washington, for only $1.99 a bag. Fujis are my favorite apple. The most unusual thing I got today was fig flavored Greek yogurt. I  learned not to pre-judge yogurt flavors after finding myself liking chocolate yogurt.

Continuing on with the subject being food.

This morning I got email from Spencer Jack's dad, with the message being, "Your latest blog post hinted that you missed both Spencer Jack and fast food. I will attach this month's money saving coupon should your 2013 Spring travel plans include a stop in our neck of the woods."

It is a year ago, almost to the hour, that I sat outside Spencer Jack's Great Aunt Jackie's house in Chandler, Arizona, awaiting the arrival of Spencer Jack, his dad and his girl friend, Brittney.

I have heard rumors that I will be in the Pacific Northwest zone soon. Having a fish burger with Spencer Jack at his dad's Fidalgo Drive-In would be a really good thing.

There is something about his ad that I am not understanding. If I remember right the year Spencer Jack's dad was born was 1979. So, how has he been "Serving the same great taste since 1967!"?

I am also not understanding why Spencer Jack's dad has Ivar's Clam Chowder on the menu, rather than using his grandma's (my mom's) clam chowder recipe?

Mom's Clam Chowder is the best. I've not had Mom's Clam Chowder this century.....

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