Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Is It Not About Time Someone Sues The Tarrant Regional Water District Over Texas Open Meetings Violations?

Apparently it is about time someone brings a lawsuit against the Tarrant Regional Water District regarding that agency's violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act, because, according to a reliable source, someone has filed a lawsuit.

I have seen a copy of the suit that was filed on Monday, March 18 in Tarrant County District Court.

The plaintiff in the suit, Monty Bennett is petitioning for declaratory and injunctive relief concerning violations by the TRWD of the Texas Open Meetings Act.

The TRWD Open Meetings Violations are detailed in the lawsuit.

The first paragraph of the Preliminary Statement in the lawsuit document sums up the issue....

It has become well recognized in this state that Texas government is to act in a manner that is transparent as possible. To that end, the Texas Open Meetings Act ("TOMA") was enacted to honor the principle that government at all levels in this state should operate in a way that is open and accessible to the people. TRWD is a governmental body bound directly by the requirements of TOMA. Its Board of Directors is composed of elected officials, each of whom is charged with acting as a judicious steward over public affairs with transparency and openness. Regrettable, TRWD and its Board have ignored that obligation and deliberately chosen to conduct the District's affairs in a manner shielded from public view. Bennett, therefore, brings this action to remedy TRWD's continuous and systematic violations of TOMA.

All I can say, is it is about time. And I can not help but wonder if the TRWD's step-child, that being the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle, is included in this attempt to get relief from violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act?

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