Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Has Anyone Seen Spencer Jack's Missing Tooth?

Spencer Jack's Letter to the Tooth Fairy
Disturbing news from Spencer Jack's dad this morning.

Spencer Jack has lost a tooth.

Literally lost a tooth.

Below is the redacted version of the email from Spencer Jack's dad, with gory details omitted...

Spencer Jack had a loose tooth for a week. I dropped him off at school this morning.  At that time he had 20 teeth.  Upon the 3 p.m. pick-up, he had 19.  He was proud to show me that his tooth was missing.  Naturally, I was wondering what he did with his tooth. And I obviously quizzed him on the whereabouts of his missing tooth. He was confused. He said he ate lunch and after lunch, the tooth was missing. Spencer Jack rarely has hot lunch. Today he did. During lunch, which consisted of 5 chicken nuggets, brown rice and a trip to the salad bar, he ended up toothless. Lucky for us, his dentist is across the street.  Spencer Jack and I stopped by in hopes of seeking medical advice on a 6 year old swallowing a tooth. The dentist politely explained that swallowing a loose tooth is no big deal...(gory details redacted)...We are hoping the tooth fairy will stop by.  But currently there is no tooth under the pillow---only a letter----hand written  by Spencer Jack, explaining today's ordeal. 

Below is what Spencer Jack had to say to the Tooth Fairy...

Dear Tooth Fairy,

I lost my first tooth today but I'm sorry I don't know where it is. Please still come tonight.

Love, Spencer

Below is photo confirmation, for the Tooth Fairy, that Spencer Jack has lost a tooth...

1 comment:

  1. Spencer Jack is just too cute. I hope the tooth fairy finds his tooth.

    I recall one time when I lost a temporary crown and evidentally swallowed it. (I think I had some wine). Never did find that either.
