Friday, February 22, 2013

In Texas We Are In Great Danger From Terrorism, Severe Weather & Man-Made Disasters That Can Kill

I've been seeing the above message stuck to Fort Worth city buses lately. I guess it is a newsworthy revelation that terrorism, severe weather and man-made disasters, like a natural gas pipeline exploding, can kill people.

To help people save themselves from a terrorist attack, severe weather or a man-made disaster, the message informs us that we can receive free emergency alerts via text message and email.

I must sign up immediately.

Because lately I have been spending a lot of time worrying about how I can save myself from getting killed in the next Texas terrorist attack. I think knowing that I will be getting a text message or an email telling me that there is a terrorist attack underway in my neighborhood will really give me some peace of mind that I've been lacking.

Not to mention the peace of mind I will have from knowing I will get a text message or email informing me if any of my neighborhood Chesapeake Energy Barnett Shale Natural Gas Fracking sites have gone into dangerous malfunction mode.

Yesterday I learned via the below poster that Texas has a really long history of fighting terrorism. All the way back to 1823.

Stephen F. Austin unofficially created the Texas Rangers in 1823. I don't know who the Texas Rangers considered terrorists way back in 1823.

Were the Mexicans and Indians, whose land Texans were expropriating, the terrorists?

I believe bad guys like gunfighter John Wesley Hardin and bank robber Sam Bass came along well after 1823.

Is Sam Bass related to the Fort Worth Bass Family of latter day robber barons, I have previously wondered and never remembered to ask?

Is what the Mexicans and Santa Ana did at the Alamo considered a terrorist attack?

I really need to do a much better job of learning Texas history...


  1. No relation. Sam came from Indiana, while the Fort Worth Bass Family was in Texas before 1856 and came from Tennessee before that.

  2. get a grip you democrat whiner
