Thursday, February 21, 2013

Blue & Max's Effects Of Early Childhood Coffee Consumption Video Documentary

On the left is my nephew Theo John. In the middle is my nephew David Jay. On the right is my one and only niece, Ruby Jean.

This morning, Blue & Max, my poodle nephews, put a video of Theo, David and Ruby on their Blue & Max Blog.

I am guessing Blue & Max decided to share this video with the world as some sort of cautionary warning as to what can happen when kids become coffee drinkers at way too young an age.

I probably should not have sent the kids Starbucks gift cards for Christmas...


  1. They are all cute and appear quite a handful. They all look like future democrats to me.

  2. TTT, I believe David leans towards being a Libertarian, while the twins are definitely Democrats, certain their mama will have a high up position in the 2nd Hillary Clinton term, when they will be 10 or 11 years old. By then I assume David will have figured out that the Libertarians are a lost cause of mostly nutcases. Then again, he will be a teenager by then and likely very rebellious, hopefully not so rebellious he vexes his family by espousing Republican sentiments.

  3. Lets just love the children regardless of their respective political views.
