Monday, January 21, 2013

The Flu Has Spencer Jack Jumping Like A Grasshopper

Spencer Jack Under A Grandma White Blanket
Last night Spencer Jack's Grandma Cindy emailed me with further documentation that Spencer is being well covered by Grandma blankets whilst he is sick with the flu.

This is what Grandma Cindy had to tell me...

Here is Spencer keeping warm under a blanket made by his Great Great Grandma Dorothy White.  (My mom’s mom)  So Great Great Grandma Vera and Grandma White are keeping him warm.  Cindy

And now this morning I heard from Spencer Jack's dad that Spencer is now in recovery mode.....

Spencer is feeling much better.  It has been 2 days of hell. But now he's recovering.  His girl friend Brittney, myself and Spencer Jack had previously planned a trip to Stevens Pass today to play in the snow. We did such last year on MLK day. But trying to be good parental units, we may alter our plans tomorrow.

Spencer Jack's dad sent a video, along with the email telling me that Spencer is feeling a lot better. The video seems to provide evidence that Spencer has recovered enough to head to higher elevations for some fun in the snow....

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