Monday, January 21, 2013

Martin Luther King Inauguration Day Walk With The Indian Ghosts Of Village Creek

For my Martin Luther King Inauguration Day walk I thought it appropriate to walk on this day with the Indian Ghosts who haunt the Village Creek Natural Historical Area in Arlington.

I listened to the President's Inauguration speech before leaving my abode. I thought it was a good speech.

Walking with the Indian Ghosts on MLK Day had me wondering why we have no national holiday that in some way honors Native Americans.

Maybe Crazy Horse Day, or Sitting Bull Day, or Wounded Knee Day, or some other day that recognizes the Native American Indian role in the history of the United States. This could be a very enjoyable holiday, with powwows wowing people all over the country.

Changing the subject from Crazy Horse Day back to Village Creek.

I am really liking seeing all the big trees without their leaves. I think I've already mentioned this. The above big trees without their leaves is a good example.

In just a couple months the leaves will return, turning the leafless trees back into a jungle.

Today I saw the first sign of the upcoming return of color, my first wildflower of the new year, that being the bright yellow beauty you see on the right.

This yellow beauty was obediently sprouting naturally in the Village Creek Natural Historical Area's designated "Wildflower Area."

If I remember right, last Spring's wildflower season in North Texas was not as colorful as others have been since my exile in Texas. I suspect this year we are in for a bumper crop of wildflowers. I have no clue why I suspect this other than being surprised by the January appearance of the yellow beauty I saw today.

Today, Hoppy the Armadillo was in the same location he has been on my previous 3 visits to his home.

As soon as Hoppy hears my camera turn on, with its telltale beep, he turns his back on me.

Then when I move to get a better side view, Hoppy turns again.

And then when I keep persisting, Hoppy starts hopping, his trademark 3 or 4 hops, and then dead still, in playing possum mode, hoping I will go away, which eventually I do.

Is there an armadillo exhibit at the Fort Worth Zoo? I've only been to that zoo once and I do not remember an armadillo exhibit.

I don't remember seeing armadillos at Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo, either. Or the San Diego Zoo. I think that covers all the zoos I have ever been to.

I hope everyone is having themselves a really fine Martin Luther King Day.

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