Monday, November 5, 2012

Running With The Elusive Tandy Hills Roadrunners

In in the picture we are looking north on, I think, Lost Sunglasses Ridge, on one of the Tandy Hills, today around noon

At this location I quickly whipped out my camera, hoping to get a picture of the Roadrunner who was posing about 100 feet from me. But, by the time I got the camera on, aimed and zoomed, the Roadrunner had run away.

I think I may have alluded to the fact, previously, that Roadrunners tend to elude my attempts to successfully photograph the cute birds. Though, I have managed it a couple times.

Speaking of something being alluded to or eluded, just seconds ago someone with the interesting name of Anonymous had some words for me about alluding and eluding, and about my lack of a proper education....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Almost Going Over A Cliff Again In Gateway Park Without Daylight Savings Time": 

Neither the appeal of soccer nor the appeal of disc golf has “alluded” you. What has escaped your grasp are both the meaning of the word “allude” and the correct word choice of “elude.” Did you go to school in Washington state? 

I did go to school in Washington state. A couple of my school years were spent in Special Education. That may explain why allusions elude me.

Now back to the Tandy Hills Roadrunner.

Today I had three Roadrunner encounters. The first was the one I've already mentioned. Then, when the trail I was on junctioned with the Tandy Highway, I saw another Roadrunner. I was very close to this one, but this bird also escaped before I could take a picture.

A short distance later, heading north on the Tandy Highway, I saw the above startling sight. A white truck. It is well known that I have a strong aversion to white trucks.

As I walked by the white truck the truck driver howdied me. I howdied him back. The white truck turned out to be some sort of dump truck with a trailer behind it with a bulldozer type device on the trailer.

Now, here is where my hike today got real surprising. I headed up Mount Tandy, heading back to my motorized vehicular transport, about to the junction with the trail that leads to the summit, near the disheveled Tandy Shrine, when I saw another Roadrunner.

That is 3 Roadrunners in one day on the Tandy Hills. I don't see how these 3 Roadrunners could all be the same runner, particularly the third encounter. I don't think the Roadrunner would have run around the big white truck.

Methinks the hills are becoming alive with the beep beeps of Roadrunners.

Methinking this is further reinforced  by something I read in this month's Tandy Hills Prairie Notes...

"A juvenile Roadrunner, possibly the offspring of our nesting pair, was recently spotted."

So, we have some Roadrunners breeding on the Tandy Hills who have already produced some offspring?

I wonder how large a Roadrunner family the Tandy Hills could support? Should we start sprinkling Roadrunner food on the Tandy Trails?

1 comment:

  1. I think roadrunners have an affinity for you.
    You are young and lithe and a roadrunner in human form.

    Maybe just one roadrunner was
    cutting cross country to encounter you again?
