Saturday, November 17, 2012

Back On The Tandy Hills With More Food At The New Tandy Shrine

I was back on the Tandy Hills today, warming up with some endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation before tackling the crowds at Town Talk.

Yesterday's Tandy Hills hiking revealed some perplexing new Tandy Hills Mysteries. No new mysteries were found today.

However, the mysterious, possibly pagan, construction I found yesterday has had some food added to it.

Another bulb of garlic, in addition to the one still on the ground. An onion, Two slices of what looked like coffee cake. Three spears of a green vegetable, maybe beans, maybe asparagus. Plus three shrimp.

What does it all mean, if anything?

I was tempted to sit down and have lunch, but I was not sure how safe those shrimp were to eat.

How come no critter, like a Road Runner or a Coyote, has come along and had themselves some fine dining? One would think the coffee cake would be tempting to birds. Maybe they are warded off by the garlic. No insects were seen either. Where are the ants?

I suspect I will be drawn back to the Tandy Hills tomorrow to see what fresh food has been added to this growing buffet.

As for Town Talk. It was busy. Longest wait ever in a Town Talk checkout line. Usually there is hardly any wait, the checkouts are so efficient  so the fact that today was the longest I've ever waited does not mean it was a long wait. It was an entertaining wait. Interesting characters shop at Town Talk.

The lunch buzzer is about to buzz. Chicken Samosas with Cilantro Chutney, Spinach, plus Spuds made in the Indian style of cuisine.


  1. Miss Connie (aka cd0103), yes I made the Samosas, if by made you mean did I stick them in the oven to bake. If by 'make' you mean did I make the Samosas from scratch, the answer to that is no.

    For several months now Town Talk has had frozen Chicken Samosas in a box, 14 of the delicious pastry like things, along with frozen Cilantro Chutney that you thaw whilst the Samosas are baking for 25 minutes.

  2. Oh yummy! I haven't been there in forever. Must make a trip soon.

  3. If you go to TT, cd0103, the Samosas are in the freezer in the back, to the left of the walk-in cooler. Look for a big orange box with a big picture of some Samosas on it.

  4. By the way, how were the samosas? I've been turning the corner past the Town Talk cheese department and looking at them for a long time, wondering if boxed samosas could compare to the freshly made kind. I've passed so far thinking they might be like a boxed pizza compared to the real thing.

  5. Stenotrophomanas, since they've been at Town Talk I've gone through at least 10 boxes of the Samosas, probably more. To my unrefined taste buds they are as good as I've had at an Indian restaurant, so I'm thinking they are better than a boxed/frozen pizza compared to a restaurant pizza.
