Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kids On The Prairie With Science-Based Fall Field Trips At Tandy Hills Natural Area

Moments ago I got an email from Don Young marked urgent with a red exclamation point. Attached to the email was a PDF document, which is what you see on the left.

In that PDF document we learn that the "Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area (FOTHNA) are pleased to announce the first ever Fall edition of Kids on the Prairie, a program that will bring two-hundred FWISD students to one of the few remaining examples of native prairie in north Texas. Master Naturalists will lead the 4th grade classes from our Fall Scholarship Schools, Meadowbrook and Eastern Hills Elementary, in a day of field investigations in science, math, creative writing, art and ecology."

Tandy Hills Natural Area
3400 View Street
Fort Worth, TX 76103

Tuesday, October 23 @ 10 a.m.
Wednesday, October 24, @ 10 a.m.
(Eastern Hills)

For More Information

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