Friday, October 19, 2012

Big Tex Burns Up Today At The State Fair Of Texas

This morning I was driving in Hurst, listening to the radio, when I heard the shocking news that the iconic symbol of the State Fair of Texas, Big Tex, had burst into flames, with Big Tex totally destroyed in the conflagration.

I later learned Big Tex met his end due to an electrical short in his neck that sparked the fire that quickly consumed Big Tex.

Why was Big Tex made out of what must have been very flammable material I can not help but wonder?

I also heard reports that the past few days Big Tex had been talking a little funny, suggesting that this electrical problem had been festering for awhile.

Big Tex was something like 60 years old. I suspect by the time the 2013 version of the State Fair of Texas is ready to open a new Big Tex will be ready to greet fairgoers.

If you never got to meet Big Tex and hear his booming voice, in his classic Texas accent, watch the video below that I made from my most recent visit to the State Fair of Texas. In the video I visit with Big Tex before wandering through the noisy State Fair of Texas Midway...

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