Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Cold October Saturday In Texas Thinking About Harvesting Pecans & Not Pulling A Ryan

The morning of the first Saturday of October is the coldest it has been in North Texas for a long, long time. 51 degrees with the wind causing it to feel like 43 degrees.

The water in the pool was warmer than the air, this morning, which made for some very refreshing swimming, particularly after I overheated on the Nautilus machine.

The weather change has brought the ozone level down to being "Good" and the pollen level  has gone from "Extreme" to "Moderate".

My breathing apparatus is feeling like it is functioning totally back to normal. The idea of being stuck inside an airplane, and having a sneezing fit, no longer is mortifying me.

I was a little worried that yesterday's jogging episode around Fosdick Lake might cause some soreness.

I had erroneously thought I'd jogged around 2 miles, then someone named Anonymous informed me that the paved trail around Fosdick Lake is only 1 mile.

I don't know if it was the same Anonymous person, or another one, but someone named Anonymous made another anonymous comment on the blogging about jogging. This comment confused me at first, but I think I figured it out...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Jogging Around Fosdick Lake With Grandma & The Fosducks": 

OK, so long as you're not pulling a Ryan on us. 

I had no clue what "pulling a Ryan" might be. Then I remembered that that lightly qualified guy that Mitt Romney picked as his running mate, Paul Ryan, has gotten some bad press for obviously fudging his time on some running event he ran in. I don't remember the details, but I suspect this must be that to which Anonymous is referring.

Changing the subject from Paul Ryan's fibbery back to the weather.

Rain is on the schedule for today. I do not know if copious amounts are predicted. What I do know is no rain has dampened my location, so far.

If the rain holds off I think I'll go pecan harvesting at Quanah Parker Park today, on my way to Town Talk. On Wednesday I saw a lot of pecans on the ground under the big pecan trees in Quanah Parker Park. It did not cross my mind to get myself some pecans til Steve A caused that idea to cross my mind.

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