Friday, May 11, 2012

Hopefully Rockin' The River Live On The Trinity Is Back Bigger Than Ever With Beer & Free Coolers

Earlier today I learned I am going Over the Edge with Elsie Hotpepper this coming September. And now this afternoon I've learned I have something else to look forward to.

That being that this summer the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's Rockin' the River Inner Tube Happy Hour Floats are back bigger than ever.

Meaning this summer the Floating with the Feces starts Thursday, June 7 and every Thursday there after, until August 9, with the exception July 5, when there will be no Feces Floating due to that Thursday being the day after the 4th of July.

This year the TRVB will be providing no free inner tubes. But the TRVB will rent you a tube for $5. Or you can BYOT. You are forbidden to bring your own alcoholic beverage or a cooler to contain alcoholic beverages. But the TRVB will sell you a can of beer for $2.50 and provide you with a free cooler to float your beer in.

I do not know if you have to buy a can of TRVB beer to get a free cooler.

The below specifics were gleaned from the official TRVB Rockin' the River informational page...

Elsie Hotpepper is refusing to put on her bikini and go kayaking with me among the Feces Floaters. Maybe CatsPaw will put on her bikini and go floating with me.

Recently people got sick from e.coli from contact with water in the Oklahoma River. Oklahoma City has banned swimming in the Oklahoma River or any Oklahoma City lake or river.

I know the TRVB makes the Trinity River Feces Floaters sign some sort of waiver before letting a person get  in the river.

But, I can not help but wonder what sort of threat/risk assessment has been done by the TRVB. As in, it is logical that there is a 1 in a certain number of instances, of a person getting in the Trinity River, that they are going to drown, get bit by a water moccasin, bit by an alligator, bit by a gar fish or get deathly sick from e.coli or flesh eating bacteria.

Has the TRVB bought insurance to protect Fort Worth from the inevitable law suit that would arise should someone get hurt or die do to this foolishness?

Fort Worth foolishly lived with the risk of someone drowning in the poorly designed whirlpool in the Fort Worth Water Gardens. Four people died before that engineering mistake was fixed. How much did this cost Fort Worth?

How much will it cost Fort Worth if someone dies while Rockin' the River?

Instead of risking Rockin' the River, why not hold these events in one of Fort Worth's clean water swimming venues.


I forgot. There are none.

And that fact is the real problem that should be addressed, rather than Rockin' the River all summer long.

The Trinity River Vision Boondoggle needs to have an adult in charge of the operation, instead of having it operate as the private playground of a corrupt congresswoman's playboy son.

Below is a video I made of my visit, last summer, to the first Rockin' the River, just to get you in the mood to do some Feces Floating in less than a month....

1 comment:

  1. In your Poop-A-Thon video from last year...were they playing Whiskey River... or Risky River? Neil Young's river song is more appropriate! "Down by the river, I shot my baby". Had to I guess. She was probably foaming at the mouth.
