Friday, May 11, 2012

Going Over The Edge In Fort Worth With Elsie Hotpepper

I learned this afternoon that this coming September 15, 2012, Elsie Hotpepper and I will be going Over the Edge in Fort Worth, rappelling down the Pier One Imports Corporate Headquarters building that was taken over by Aubrey McClendon to be used by Chesapeake Energy as the operating center from which to run Chesapeake's shadow government of Fort Worth.

It is 4 months until September. I don't know if, all things currently considered, Chesapeake Energy will still be operating in September.

If you want to rappel down the Chesapeake Energy building you can register here.

There are 4 registration levels. TOP ROPE for $10,000. HIGH FLYER for $6,000. DYNO for $2,500. HANG DOG for $1,000.

The higher the level the more you get for your money. For $10,000 a TOP ROPE gets its organization's logo on all promotional materials, including post event videos, the DFW website, brochures, posters, emails, print ads and e-newsletters. Their logo on the back of all participants t-shirts. Their logo on all event signage. Four people going over the edge. Choice of rappelling time. Choice of your team name. Chance to buy additional rappel spots at a special discount price. A complimentary photo, video and commemorative t-shirt. And recognition in DFWI annual report.

For $1,000 HANG DOG gets one reserved spot to go over the edge, video and commemorative t-shirt.

Clearly TOP ROPE is a much better bargain than HANG DOG.

From the Over the Edge website...

Sign up for "Over the Edge"– and Rappel down a building in Downtown Fort Worth! Get a whole new view of Downtown Fort Worth during this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience big thrills and excitement! If you want to live on the edge, this is your chance! Go as a solo climber, or sign up a representative from your organization. Pool your money and "toss your boss." Or give this unique experience as a gift for the thrill seeker in your life.

Toss your boss? Once in a lifetime opportunity? Didn't Fort Worth's now ex corrupt mayor Mike Moncrief go over the edge last year? Does this once in a lifetime opportunity mean that by next year Chesapeake will likely be defunct, making this coming September your last opportunity to rappel down the building while still owned by Chesapeake?

I am very stodgy about this type thing. To me rappelling down the side of a building sounds like about as much fun as floating in an inner tube in the Trinity River. But, Elsie Hotpeper wants to go over the edge, so I guess I won't be a killjoy about this.

1 comment:

  1. I want to know why they capitalized "rappel." What did they get it mixed up with - that stupidly irritating designation "Realtor®"?

    Elsie needs to wear those cool hoof shoes and kick out a few windows on the way down.
