Monday, May 14, 2012

Have You Seen Olive The Missing Prairie Dog?

Last night Elsie Hotpepper emailed me asking if I knew Olive was missing? I replied, asking if she was talking about Olive the Prairie Dog. This morning Elsie replied in the affirmative.

But, by this morning I already knew it was Olive the Prairie Dog that had gone missing, having read the news on Facebook with the following message....

HELP us find Olive. Small black mixed breed with distinct underbite. Missing since 11 am Sunday. Last seen on View Street near Tandy Hills Park. No collar. Call 817-731-2787 if you find her. We fear she was snatched.

I last saw Olive at Prairie Fest x3 Part 1. At that point in time Olive was with one of the humans she takes care of, Debra Young.

Was Olive having fun playing in the open prairie across View Street from her abode and got caught up chasing a road runner or a bobcat? Did she then get lost somewhere on the Tandy Hills? Likely not, but I think I'll go to the Tandy Hills today and look for a missing Olive.

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