Monday, May 14, 2012

The Dawn Of The 2nd Monday Of May With Incoming Shipment From Captain Hans In Afghanistan

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell it appears the 2nd Monday of May is another clear blue sky morning in North Texas.

Currently the outer world is chilled to 60 degrees, heading to a supposed high 20 degrees warmer.

Changing the subject from the temperature to something else.

I got an interesting variant of the Nigerian email scam this morning...


I am Cpt. James Hans an officer of the U.S Army, serving with the 82nd Airborne Division Peace keeping force in Kabul, Afghanistan. We are currently in Afghanistan and I have some important items that I need to ship to you.

I need you to reply only if you are interested.I will explain further when I get a response from you. Please reply to my email

Cpt. James Hans

I'm guessing "Cpt." means Captain. I wonder what Captain Hans wants to ship to me? And why they are important?

I think I will go swimming now and ponder these important questions.

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