Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Walking Around Fosdic Lake Lookng For Ping Pong Ball Sized Hail

A Mom, A Stroller & A Little Girl
As I drove towards Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdic Lake I heard on the radio that lightning was striking Weatherford, along with ping pong ball sized hail.

I'd not heard ping pong balls used as a hail size descriptor before. Usually that size hail is described as golf ball sized. Or so I thought.

The weather report that reported the ping pong ball sized hail in Weatherford said that particular storm should be entering the western edge of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex within an hour.

It is now about an hour later and I have heard no thunderclaps or seen any ping pong ball sized hail bouncing off the ground.

I did get hit with a few random raindrops whilst walking around Fosdic Lake.

An unusually large number of people were out and about in Oakland Lake Park today. Enjoying the cooler temperature? I have no idea.

The little girl who escaped her stroller, that you see in the picture, was very cute.

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