Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Up Early On The 3rd Day Of April Expecting Rain & Thunderstorms

The dark before the arrival of the sun is very black on this 3rd early morning of April. I think the timers are not working correctly on the automatic outdoor lighting.

The weather predictors are predicting there will be some lightning lighting up the sky today in North Texas.

Usually, if lightning strikes, rain also hits the ground.

Today the weather predictors are predicting an 80% chance of rain hitting the ground.

Lately I've been double dipping in the pool. Once in the early morning, then again in the late afternoon. I am trying to amp up my exercise because I am so out of shape.

My sister beating me to the top of Mount Piestewa was a wake up call for me.

There are no mountains for me to climb anywhere near where I live in Texas. But, I do have some puny hills available where I can get myself a little aerobic stimulation.

And I can go swimming. Which I think I will do right now.

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