Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fosdic Lake Was Serene Today Walking With My Sister With Nary A Nipple

Fosdic Lake
My sister went walking with me around Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park today.

This was the first time my sister has gone walking with me since we climbed to the summit of Piestewa Peak two Fridays ago.

This was also the first time I've talked to my sister since she got very very sick the day after I left Arizona. Whatever it was that ailed us, I did not have it very bad, only 2 days of a really bad headache and not feeling my usual energetic self.

My sister was bedridden and lost 8 pounds during her bout with the mysterious ailment.

Again today there were a lot of people enjoying Oakland Lake Park. Have the locals finally figured out this is a nice place to enjoy what passes for fresh air in this polluted part of the planet?

Fosdic Lake was looking particularly serene today, with nary a ripple.

When I first typed ripple I typed nipple. Is that a typo or a Freudian Slip?

The Fosducks were seeming sedated. Usually the ducks waddle off if I get too near. Today they did not seem to care. I think the ducks may have grown fond of the humans because so many show up to give them duck food.

1 comment:

  1. I am not entirely sure that your sister will be happy that you have outed her chesticle deficiency.
