Friday, April 6, 2012

The 6th Morning Of April Dawns Chilly With Possible Irritation From Chesapeake Energy Fracking Flowback

This morning, the 6th morning of April, we are looking at the outer world via a rare look from my tertiary viewing portal.

When this day ends already 20% of April will have passed in to history.

Of late, each morning is colder than the morning previous, as if we are on a slow slip back to winter.

This morning, with the sun fully arrived and providing both light and heat, it is only 22 degrees above freezing. The high today is currently scheduled to get 22 degrees warmer than the current temperature of 22 degrees above freezing.

In other words it is currently 54 heading to a high of 76.

Overnight my brief respite from the eye irritation caused by the bad air pollution that plagues North Texas ended.

I had to resort to eye drops in the middle of the night to attempt to abate the eye woes. I have also begun reaching for one of my many bottles of nasal spray with increasing frequency.

Speaking of annoying air pollution, Chesapeake Energy is denying it, of course, but a lot of people in Arlington are claiming to be made miserable from fracking flowback.

Read all about it in Texas Sharon's Bluedaze article, Chesapeake Energy sickens Arlington residents again with fracking flowback operations.

I don't know if my breathing and eye woes are being caused by any Chesapeake fracking flowbacking. I do know I reside very close to two Chesapeake Energy Barnett Shale holes in the ground.

I guess I will put goggles over my suffering eyes and go swimming now before it gets any colder.

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