Friday, February 24, 2012

Today's Return To The Tandy Hills Currently Free Of Raw Sewage Spills

Atop Lost Sunglasses Ridge On The Tandy Hills
Today marked the first time I've been on the Tandy Hills since Saturday, February 11. That's is a long long time ago.

The hills are still a bit damp in a few locations courtesy of our most recent deluge.

Today was my first bout of extreme endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation in what seem like a long long time.

I feel a lot better right now, with a fresh dose of endorphin meds coursing through my veins.

That aforementioned deluge must have unleashed quite a powerful flash flood into Tandy Creek. Powerful enough to move a large number of the large rocks that had been placed on top of one of the Tandy Creek crossings.

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