Friday, February 24, 2012

The Final Friday Of February Thinking About Breathing Evergreen Scented Air

I got up about the same time as the sun this last Friday of the second month of 2012. I stepped outside the bars of my patio prison cell to take a picture of this very blue morning to find myself instantly being a bit chilly.

According to my computer based temperature monitoring device it is only 45 degrees this morning. That is quite a precipitous drop from yesterday's balmy 80s.

Yesterday I thought I was over my bout of respiratory woes.


This morning I found myself suddenly coughing, which had me suddenly with a headache, followed by other maladies.

Simply put, I think I am back being a mess again.

Is it a coincidence that my current bout of breathing woes began around the same time my neighborhood Chesapeake Energy well got fracked?

Right about now the idea of breathing the evergreen scented air of Washington is sounding real good.

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