Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Smoky Return To The Tandy Hills Where The Raw Sewage Still Flows

The Smoky Skyline View Of
 Beautiful Downtown Fort Worth
I enjoyed the Tandy Hills so much yesterday, even with the shocking massive raw sewage spill, that I returned today.

The shocking massive raw sewage spill is still spilling.

But, I just got a message from Don Young telling me that the city is now aware they have a problem.

Doesn't the EPA issue fines for this type of thing?

The raw sewage was still flowing today.

If the raw sewage ever stops flowing it is going to be awhile before I'll be wanting to walk on that sewage tainted ground.

I wonder if this spill will qualify as a Superfund Cleanup Site?

Continuing with the pollution theme. Looking at the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth today, the view was through a thick smoky haze.

Last night I was impressed with how much smoke the Woodshed Smokehouse was spewing. The Woodshed Smokehouse smoke made for a hazy view across the Trinity River last night as the sun was setting.

I am almost 100% today's smoky haze has been caused by Fort Worth's newest restaurant.

We are currently scheduled for some stormy weather during the coming 48 hours. I hope this stormy weather does some good air cleaning.

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