Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Last Saturday Of February With A Big Party In Fort Worth

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the outer world at the time of the breaking of dawn on this final Saturday of the second month of 2012 it appears February 25 is a blue sky day in Texas.

Chilled, currently, to 39 degrees, according to my computer based temperature monitoring device.

Tonight The Party In Fort Worth takes place at Fort Worth's private party club known as the Fort Worth Convention Center.

If I remember right I have already mentioned that Chesapeake Energy is sponsoring The Party In Fort Worth, so it is Pirate Themed. I have grown myself a scraggly beard and dyed it black so I can attend costumed as Blackbeard. Elsie Hotpepper will be being Blackbeard's wench.

I rather enjoyed yesterday's return to getting some good endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation on the Tandy Hills. I think I will get myself some more endorphins today.

In the meantime I am not going swimming.

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