Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fort Worth Does Not Love Being Naked Or Being Strange Or Mind Having Billion Dollar Boondoggles

Fairly regularly I'll read something in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and think to myself, well, that is something I would never read in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Such as a story on the front page of yesterday's Seattle P-I.

An article titled "Seattle loves being (mostly) naked."

The article is quite short, and includes a Texas reference and a slide show of examples of Seattle getting naked.

Below is that short article...

Seattle loves being (mostly) naked 

For a city that doesn’t see much sun, Seattle sure likes being naked.

This weekend is no exception — unless you count that this time, there’s underwear involved. The Cupid’s Undie Run event is happening Saturday in Fremont, meaning you shouldn’t be surprised if you folks dashing down the street in their skivvies.

The event raises money for the The Children’s Tumor Foundation, and it’s sold out. (Meaning you shouldn’t be surprised if you see lots of folks dashing down the street in  their skivvies.)

But really, what’s to be surprised about? Seattlites love affair with stripping off their clothes might be bizarre, but well documented at this point. For instance…(this is where the slide show is if you click on the article link above)

Other cities have tried to get on board the naked train, with varied results. (For example, see: “Hey, Houston! It’s only a naked bike ride if you’re naked.” )

The Undie Run is aimed to raise $50,000 for its cause. Thursday evening, it had $40,000 to go.

It really is a puzzle why repressive, conservative Seattle is so liberal about doffing clothes in public, while free-spirited, liberal Fort Worth is so conservative about the public doffing of clothes.

At the end of the article about Seattle's naked quirkiness is a link to another article the likes of which I don't think would show up in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

15 (real) reasons why Seattle is a strange city.

Can you imagine the Fort Worth Star-Telegram risking printing an article titled "15 (real) reasons why Fort Worth is a strange city"?

I don't know if the local collective civic inferiority complex could handle such an article.

It would be much more likely that the Fort Worth Star-Telegram would have an article titled, "15 (real) reasons why Fort Worth is the Envy of the World."

I don't know if I can come up with 15 reasons Fort Worth is a strange city, but I will try...
  1. The downtown park that celebrates Fort Worth's Heritage, and beginnings, is a boarded up, cyclone fence surrounded eyesore.
  2. A billion dollars is being spent on a public works project to build a little lake, some canals, an un-needed flood diversion channel and other nonsensical things, in a Boondoggle called the Trinity River Vision that the public has not voted on.
  3. The freeway exits to Fort Worth's top tourist attraction, the Fort Worth Stockyards, are un-landscaped, littered, weed infested eyesores.
  4. Fort Worth holds its annual county fair type event, the Fort Worth Stock Show, in the dead of winter.
  5. Until it was obvious to even the most clueless of fools, many in Fort Worth, with the help of Star-Telegram propaganda, pretended that a sporting goods store, Cabela's, was the top tourist attraction in Texas.
  6. The Tandy Hills Natural Area semi-regularly floods with un-natural raw sewage spills.
  7. Fort Worth is the biggest town in America with no real grocery store or department store in its downtown.
  8. Fort Worth has more miles of roads without sidewalks than any other town in America with a population over 300,000.
  9. Fort Worth is the world's experimental test tube for urban natural gas shale drilling, with more holes poked than any other city in the world.
  10. Fort Worth is thought, by some in Fort Worth, to be the Envy of the World, which makes the World Green with Envy.
  11. Fort Worth regularly gives tax breaks to corporations to build new corporate headquarters in Fort Worth that the corporation then can not afford, such as Radio Shack and Pier One Imports.
  12. Fort Worth allows Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats in the Trinity River in which raw sewage is known to flow.
  13. Fort Worth is a city that considers it to be perfectly fine to have city parks with picnic facilities with no running water or restrooms, such as Oakland Lake Park, Quanah Parker Park. And others.
  14. Fort Worth has the lowest public transit ridership of any city in America with a population over 500,000.
  15. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
I am absolutely shocked I was able to come up with 15 reasons Fort Worth is strange.

#15 on my list may be the #1 reason Fort Worth is strange.

Fort Worth is likely the biggest town in America that does not have a legitimate newspaper of record acting as a watchdog for the citizen's of the town it serves.

Instead the Fort Worth Star-Telegram acts like a propaganda organ for the oligarchy that controls Fort Worth.

I think Don Woodard said it well in the award winning documentary Up a Creek, talking about the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle Mr. Woodard opined something like "the Star-Telegram could put an end to this project tomorrow, if it wanted to."

Instead the Fort Worth Star-Telegram has not devoted any ink to doing any investigative reporting of the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle, the nepotism that gave J.D. Granger the job of running the project, J.D.'s mother Kay's use of earmarks to get federal funds for the project that gave her son a job or any of the other questionable aspects of the TRV Boondoggle that would be questioned by the newspaper in a town with a real newspaper.

If it wanted to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram could likely insist on seeing the financial records of the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle.

Those records, detailing all the money spent on things like junkets, hotel stays, expensive restaurants, liquor, parties, vehicles, electronics, plus the hidden details behind deals, like that which ended up with a Wakeboard Park being part of the Vision, and helping a struggling restaurateur, Tim Love, open a million dollar restaurant, in the form of the Woodshed Smokehouse, would all come out in a town with a real newspaper.

A town with a real newspaper of record would have an entity acting in the public's interest willing to look under the rocks hiding something like the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's shady deals.

At least Fort Worth is blessed to have Fort Worth Weekly, which does a good job covering some of the nefariousness, but there is just too much nefariousness for one weekly, with limited resources, to cover, even with someone formidable at the helm, like Gayle Reaves. She being one of the local Kay Granger antidotes who occasionally gives some hope that all is not lost in this troubled location on the planet and that voices of reason do exist living above the Barnett Shale.

I'm done now. For now.


  1. 16. That such a strange place as Fort Worth has such gravitational pull on Mr Durango. What will he write about should he ever slip the surly bonds of Cowtown?

  2. Fort Worth marketing itself as "Where the West Begins" has always struck me as strange.

  3. The Seattle Weekly alternative newspaper shows Seattle residents in various forms of undress. If you are into that sort of thing.
