Sunday, February 19, 2012

The 3rd Sunday Of February Dawns Bright & Blue In Texas

I don't know why it looks so dark looking through the bars of my patio prison cell on this 3rd sunny Sunday morning of the 2nd month of 2012.

While the picture would seem to indicate otherwise it actually is quite bright in the outer world at my location this morning.

A bright blue sky with the outer world chilled to 41 degrees.

A bright blue sky is a nice change from yesterday's rain that fell, with only a few respites, all day long.

Changing the subject from my favorite one to Elsie Hotpepper.

Miss Hotpepper modeled her Margaret Thatcher look last night for me. I think I mentioned that Elsie Hotpepper will be Margaret Thatcher at next Sunday's Fort Worth Modern Art Museum Oscar Party.

I opined to Miss Hotpepper that I thought it would be easier for her to look like Marilyn Monroe than Margaret Thatcher. But, as I so often am, I was wrong. Elsie Hotpepper is a dead ringer for Margaret Thatcher.

I wish I could say I am going swimming now, but I can't.

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