Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Shadow Of The HOT Tandy Hills Thin Man Looking North At The Haltom City Water Tower & Not Seeing A Corn Dog

The Shadow Of The Tandy Hills Thin Man
It was back to the Tandy Hills today for my daily dose of endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation.

The temperature was approaching 70 when I left my abode and headed to the hills.

A couple days ago I was totally under dressed whilst out walking in near freezing weather. Today I was properly dressed for the balmy temperature and, by the time I took a picture of the Shadow of the Tandy Hills Thin Man, the thin man was shirtless, just like a HOT summer day.

That is one of the many things I like about Texas. The schizophrenic weather. One day it will be bone-chilling cold, as cold as any winter day ever was in Washington. And then two days later it is like being back in summer, with temperatures that would pass for a HOT summer day in Washington.

Now that you're making me think about it, with the "it" being the warm temperature, I think I will open my computer room windows and enjoy a balmy breeze.

Okay, I'm back from doing some window opening. Now that feels refreshing.

The Haltom City Water Tower Currently Corn Dog-Free
At one point, when I was on the Tandy Hills today, I was looking north, across the I-30 freeway, and realized the white mushroom tower I saw in the distance must be the infamous Haltom City Water Tower.

I mentioned the infamous Haltom City Water Tower a few days ago in regards to the desire, by some, to sell naming rights to the tower to Sara Lee, which is Haltom City's biggest employer and polluter, to turn the tower into the Haltom City Sara Lee State Fair Corn Dog Tower.

Due to all the controversy over what to do with the Haltom City Water Tower the city is holding a design contest. I don't know what the prize for winning is. Maybe a case of Sara Lee's State Fair Corn Dogs.

Near as I could tell, from a far distance away, the Haltom City Water Tower has not yet been turned into a giant corn dog.

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