Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Neighborhood Chesapeake Energy Blockade Has Been Lifted

One Of The Sheep Coming To A Stop Before Detouring
Yesterday after I found myself having to take a detour to get around a Chesapeake Energy Blockade  I took a picture of the blockade and blogged about it.

Early in the evening, last night, when I left my abode to go to an appointment, I saw that the Chesapeake Energy Blockade had been lifted,

But the "DETOUR" signs were still up.

The "DETOUR" signs still being up made for an interesting observing humans and their various reactions to perceived authority moment.

Most drivers correctly calculated that the Chesapeake Energy Blockade had been lifted and drove under the overhead fracking water pipelines.

I saw several drivers slow to a virtual stop as they approached the former blockade, obviously wondering if they should drive under the former blockade, risking a traffic ticket and possible jail time, or be a good sheep and follow the "DETOUR" sign and turn in the direction the arrow was pointing.

Within just a few minutes I saw 6 sheeple opt not to risk a ticket and jail time.

In the picture above you see one of the sheeple stopped, wondering what in the world to do, before deciding to take the directed right turn detour.

1 comment:

  1. There sure are a lot of sheep type creatures residing in Cowtown and the fracking B.S. zone. That's ba-a-a-d.
