Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Dawn Of The 5th Morning Of 2012 Thinking About Michelle Bachmann's Gaffes, Rick Perry's Flip Flopping, Newt Gingrich & Abraham Lincoln

The very dark, pre-dawn, 5th morning of 2012 look out my primary viewing portal of the outer world, at the currently unusable turquoise oasis, through a frost-free window, gives no indication how cold it is or if the sky is free of clouds.

But, my computer based temperature monitoring device provides me the information my viewing portal does not afford me. As in it is currently 37 degrees in the outer world at my location on the planet, with a clear sky, which should be blue when the sun arrives to heat the day to a predicted 64 degrees.

Why can I not break my habit of writing long run-on sentences?

Changing the subject from my bad writing skills to bad politicians.

Did Rick Perry not realize it would cause voters to take him even less serious, when he flip flopped back into running for president, after indicating he was giving up and going home to Texas, after his bad showing in Iowa?

Speaking of other dumb politicians. The Seattle P-I had a list, this morning, of the Best of Michelle Bachmann's Embarrassing Gaffes.

 A few of my favorite Bachmann Gaffes...

Michelle Bachmann apparently thinks the Founding Fathers lived extraordinarily long lives, saying that slave owners may have drafted the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, "but we also know that the very Founders that wrote those documents worked tirelessly until slavery was no more in the United States.”

None of the Founding Fathers were alive when Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

Showing that we would definitely not want Michelle Bachmann having anything to do with America's economy she said, “If we took away the minimum wage — if, conceivably, it was gone — we could virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level.”

Speaking of the Founding Fathers and Abraham Lincoln. In all of America is there no one alive who operates at the quality level of those men? Well, maybe Newt Gingrich comes close. At least, unlike Michelle Bachmann, Newt knows, in depth, the history of America.

I wish I could say I am going swimming now.

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