Saturday, January 7, 2012

The First Saturday Of 2012 In Texas With A Record Breaking Drought In 2011

You can not tell it by looking at the picture of the view from my primary viewing portal on the outer world that I got up after the arrival of the sun on this first Saturday of the first month of the new year of 2012.

There appears to be some cloud action in the sky. I do not believe there is any prediction for today for rain to rain down up the throngs on the Tandy Hills partaking in the Manly Men Wild Women Hike.

It is currently only 44 degrees in the outer world at my location. By the time of the Manly Men Wild Women Hike, a couple hours from now, the temperature should be a pleasant hiking temperature.

Continuing with my favorite subject, the weather.

The National Weather Service has made it official. 2011 was the driest year ever in Texas.

And the second hottest.

The average rainfall on this parched part of the planet, for 2011, was only 14.88 inches. If I remember correctly 10 inches, or less, a year qualifies your parched part of the planet to be designated a desert.

The temperature average for 2011 was 67.2 degrees. In 1921 the average temperature was 67.5 degrees, so 1921 remains the hottest year in Texas.

The current 24 hour temperature average at my location has been above 50 degrees. I may try to go swimming this morning. I dipped my hand in the pool yesterday morning and decided against getting any wetter. We'll see if my hand feels warmer this morning.

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