Friday, January 6, 2012

Chasing Dump Trucks On The Tandy Hills While Losing 2 Pounds In Preparation For Tomorrow's Manly Men Wild Women Hike

A Diesel Spewing Dump Truck On The Tandy Hills Today
I am not much of a fan of breathing in diesel fumes whilst I am experiencing nature in any of my favorite natural areas that I frequent.

As long as the weather holds I will be visiting the Tandy Hills Natural Area every day as part of my program to reduce my HWG (Hideous Weight Gain).

Information Literature made available from the weight loss experts at the Friends of the Tandy Hills Natural Area promises a 2 pound weight loss from 1.5 hours of Tandy Hills exposure.

The diesel fumes that perfumed the Tandy Hills air today were brought by two of the dump trucks you see in the picture, and that small Caterpillar bulldozer I mentioned yesterday.

The City of Fort Worth Water Crews have quite a project underway, with those big dump trucks going where I would not have thought it possible for them to go. But the bulldozer smoothed the way and added gravel where needed. Whatever it is the Water Crews are doing, they are doing it on the trail that heads east from the trail that leads to the top of Mount Tandy, from the north side.

Giant Tandy Tire Tomb
The Yellow Ribbons that Godfather Don scolded me for removing yesterday, were in place today, ready for tomorrow's Manly Men Wild Women Hike. In addition to scolding me Godfather Don told me there would be no Wild Women for me. What a strict Godfather.

The new bridges across the Tandy Creeks have had a smooth top layer added to the big boulders that you see in the picture of the Giant Tandy Tire Tomb.

This seems, to me, to be a very disrespectful burial of the infamous Giant Tandy Tire.

Speaking of tomorrow's Manly Men Wild Women Hike.

In the latest Informational Literature, sent this morning, I see one must RSVP to Godfather Don ASAP, via the Godfather's email address.

I have not seen a confirmation of my RSVP, so I don't know what the status is, currently, of my Manly Man Hiking.

From the Manly Men Wild Women Informational Literature.....

There's nothing complicated about it. Just show up at Tandy Hills Natural Area, the coolest green space in the inner city, and enjoy the great out-of-doors. Our goal is to hike border-to border-to-border-to-border, tracing the steel cable that defines the 160 acre boundary.

Your rewards include but are not restricted to:

1) You will lose at least 2 pounds. (They don't call it Tandy HILLS for nothing!)
2) See sections of the park known only to a few hawks and a couple of unicorns. 
3) Celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the coolest park in Fort Worth. 
4) Get in shape for the upcoming Brush Bash

Who: Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area

What: Manly Men & Wild Women Hike. All ages welcome. Leashed dogs welcome. 

When: Saturday, January 7, 2012, 10:00 am (allow 1.5 hours for hike)

Where: Tandy Hills Natural Area, 3400 View Street. Meet at the Prairie Fest entrance.

Why: For the fun and glory of it and to prepare yourself for the upcoming Brush Bash.

Bring: Water, camera, hiking boots, hat, walking stick. 

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