Thursday, December 22, 2011

Winter Has Barely Begun And Already Snow Is In The Forecast For North Texas On Christmas Eve

Looking through the bars of my patio prison cell, on this 4th Thursday of the last month of 2011, I see stars twinkling over head, which would seem to indicate, so far, that there are no clouds available to block the soon to arrive rays of the sun.

Currently it is 41 degrees in the outer world.

On the radio, yesterday, I heard the shocking news, confirmed this morning, via online weather prognosticators, that there is a chance that snow may fall on this formerly totally parched part of the planet, on Christmas Eve.

Currently the weather prognosticators are prognosticating no chance of snow making for a White Christmas on Sunday.

If I recollect correctly we have had an unpredicted White Christmas in North Texas, a time or two, since I have been in exile here.

I do not recollect ever having a White Christmas during all my years of living in Washington. Unless you count driving up in the mountains on Christmas to play in the snow.

Speaking of Winter. My calendar claims today is the Winter Solstice. I always thought that occurred on Day 21 of December, not Day 22. I read in two online locations this morning that Winter began yesterday. So, methinks my calendar is erroneous.

I think I will celebrate the slow return of the sun by cooking a turkey today. When I pulled the turkey out of the freezer on Monday I was thinking in Thanksgiving mode, as in, having it thawed to cook on Thursday. This is just one more example of the living hell I go through courtesy of my closed-head injury.

Speaking of which, a closed-head injury is a real thing, I learned yesterday, via Google, not something made up by a certified nutjob.

I wish I could say I am going swimming now. But I can't. For more reasons than one.

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