Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Winter Solstice From That Thing Of Beauty Known As The Tandy Hills

In Spring The Tandy Hills Come Alive With Color
This morning I got an email from the Godfather of the Tandy Hills, Don Young, thanking me a mil to "Please consider a mention of the positive accomplishments of Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area in your end-of-year coverage."

I did not know til I got this email that I was going to be doing any end of the year coverage.

The details contained in Godfather Don's email are below, minus the photos, except for the photo, you see above, of wildflowers coloring up the Tandy Hills...

Tandy Hills Natural Area is one of the few surviving examples of native, Fort Worth landscape. It is an important part of our history and heritage. 

Working closely with the City of Fort Worth, Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area are committed to year-round stewardship of this irreplaceable treasure.

As a member of Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area (FOTHNA) you help insure that Tandy Hills survives and thrives. Your membership is, indeed, a thing of beauty.

It supports important Conservation and Restoration Efforts, like Education Outreach Programs for hundreds of FWISD school kids and full enactment of the Master Plan, so that everyone can better enjoy and appreciate the Tandy Hills.

Your 2012 membership comes with a variety of perks that make great gifts, for you or a friend. Check them out here.

Happy Winter Solstice from Tandy Hills!

Don Young

Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area

P.O. Box 470041
Fort Worth, TX 76147

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