Friday, December 2, 2011

Walking Around A Foggy Fosdic Lake Explaining To Someone Named Anonymous How I Came To Be In Texas & Why I Stay

You are looking through my windshield at a foggy Fosdic Lake in Oakland Lake Park today in the noon time frame.

A drizzle dripped through the fog with the air chilled to the low 40s.

I tried to go swimming this morning. It did not go well.

I've been sneezing. I wonder if there is any connection between sneezing and getting in cold water?

Someone calling him or herself Anonymous mentioned wading through my weather and swimming reports on my blog, sort of implying this wading was tiresome.

Speaking of tiresome, this weather we are experiencing today on this less parched part of the planet is what a stereotypical winter day in the Puget Sound zone of Western Washington is like.

I really don't know if I could go back to living in that climate again. I remember my first time back to Washington after my Texas exile, I was already used to the almost perpetual Texas blue sky. That trip north, every morning I'd get up expecting to see blue, to be greeted by gray and wet.

I think I've mentioned previously that my last time I spent time in Washington, July 20 through August 20 of 2008, I shivered almost the entire time. I was really glad to be back in Texas, that time, for several reasons, in addition to wanting to be warm.

That same person calling him or herself Anonymous has also been making comments regarding me being exiled in Texas, suggesting I never have anything positive to say about Texas, which renders me boring.

Apparently I paint Washington as a heavenly paradise with strawberries growing on every tree, while I paint Texas as the Devil's Earthly manifestation of Hell on Earth. This Anonymous person says she or he has never met any of the type Texans I describe.

I don't recollect ever spending any time describing any particular Texans. Except maybe Gar the Texan and Elsie Hotpepper.

The first comment from this person calling him or herself Anonymous was to a blogging titled The Last Sunday Of November of 2011 Has Dawned Wind Free & Cold In Texas.

And then this morning there have been a couple comments from Anonymous to a blogging from yesterday titled A Curious Anonymous Question Leads Me To The Lonely Planet Of Texas.

Below are the two comments....

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Curious Anonymous Question Leads Me To The Lonely Planet Of Texas":

I read this blog occasionally, mostly for mentions of Tandy Hills Park, a place I love. I'm sometimes moved to comment, an urge I suppress. I don't think I can convince you of anything. Nevertheless, just a few thoughts: You are welcome to lament. But laments unrelieved by anything positive are just boring.

The Texans that you describe bear little resemblance to people that I know here. 

Some of your comments about Texan's exceptionalism are on the money. But you match them with your view of Washington as a paradise without political corruption, with kindly people loving the environment and each other (and strawberries). It makes sense for a reader to ask, what keeps you here? Most of us, here by jobs or even by birth just try to make the best of it. What would your blog look like if you lived in Washington??

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Curious Anonymous Question Leads Me To The Lonely Planet Of Texas":

I have returned to comment yet again, to let you know you mischaracterized me when you “answered” the comment I left for you a few days ago.

Please do not include me among those who think lamenting is a bad thing. I myself regularly lament. Lamenting is often very warranted. And I don’t begrudge you your lamenting. In fact, I dare say we share some similar laments. Otherwise I would not wade through your weather reports and swimming reports.

Also, please do not lump me into that group of Texans who would like to see you “get your butt north of the Red River.” Au contraire, I think you are an asset to our state. My curious, anonymous comment was first and foremost a simple question. Because you do so frequently compare Texas and Washington and because you regularly find Texas not as appealing in many ways, I simply began to wonder why you became exiled here and why you have chosen to remain here. Surely I could accurately say that you have rather invited that question.

I found your Lonely Planet Texas offering amusing. But surely that is not why you are exiled here. I even chuckled when you meandered your way into some more Fort Worth bashing. And I began to suspect that you may have never intended to answer me. Your ability to take a question and chat all around it and turn it into some of your favorite “rants” suggests you could morph into a politician.

I am not your typical Texan. I cringe at the mandatory “Have a nice day.” And I shall never sugar-pie anyone. The political candidates I vote for almost always lose. And I don’t have a “love it or leave it” mentality.

Just Curious.

Anonymous Curious person wonders what my blog would look like if I had a Washington blog?


I have a Washington blog. It is called Durango Washington.

As for being curious as to why I am exiled in Texas. The blog you are reading right now has had well over 4,000 blog posts, dating back, I think, to some point in 2007. Among those blog posts the story is told as to how I found myself in Texas. And what has kept me here.

I have no intention to re-tell this story, yet again.

Primarily because doing so can bring me to tears, depending on what sort of mood I am in...


  1. Anonymous Curious (AKA "Just Curious") never ever wondered what your blog would look like if you had a Washington blog. And Anonymous Curious now thinks it likely that you planted that comment and ascribed it to him or her. Furthermore Anonymous Curious is not a long-time reader of this blog and thus missed seeing your story of your exile in Texas whenever you addressed it long ago, and certainly is not going to go digging through over 4,000 blog posts to find it. Frankly, Anonymous Curious has lost interest in it.

    Used to be Just Curious

  2. I started to wonder if the commenter "Just Curious" is one of those nasty MHMR-TC/McDermott gang members whose negative and mostly mean tone are recorded on your interesting blogs. BUT the grammar skills ruled that possibility out. Plus, the willingness and ability to come up with a commenter name, unlike the so-called incompetent Cons in your MHMR scandal blog.

    BTW, have you noticed that there have been numerous visits to that blog from Utah, the area where the corrupt CEO of El Paso MHMR has just recently been hired? Wonder what that means.

  3. I'm confused. Is the first commenter on here saying that the blogger had intentionally inserted words into his/her previous comment so that the bloggerman could publicize his other blog about Washington state? If this is the case, regular readers like me need clarification because it is a serious accusation. What gives, guys/gal?

    Just Confused

  4. Um, just so you know, though I am Anonymous, and frequent Tandy Hills, I am not the recently de-lurked Anonymous who frequents Tandy Hills and seems curiously inspired by the season to decant curiously worded wordstuffs. Except insofar as we both prefer to remain anonymous, I am pretty sure we don't resemble each other at all, except for the tips of our right elbows, and only when akimbo, which of course disqualifies our tips from meaningful consideration.

  5. I'm confused too, Just-n-Confused. Curious Anonymous had asked what my blog would look like if I were in Washington. I then said I had a Washington Blog. Curious Anonymous then said s/he had not asked about a Washington blog and suggested I'd inserted that remark, or something like that. First off, I don't think it is possible to edit comments on this Google Blogger platform. Second off, I've no need to "publicize" my Wsshington blog via a blog comment. That would be a goofy waste of time.

  6. I think I've read all 100k of your blog postings (okay, sometimes only the cliff notes) and I don't believe I've ever read the true story of how you ended up in Texas. Only hints and allegations.

    But, I know you are staying here because of me. It makes me all warm and fuzzy.

  7. Gar, I don't know how you could have missed reading that true story. You also had the opportunity to hear it in person. We were at Riscky's BBQ, somehow the subject came up. I said it is a long story and asked if you really wanted to hear it. You said no, "I'd rather go to Hooters and find some hot chicks to bang." I remember thinking to myself that that does sound funner that regurgitating the tired story of my Texas Exile yet one more time.

  8. Like we say in Texas, "Banging hot chicks is always more fun than regurgitating tired old stories."

  9. The former Just Curious commenter sure has a way with words and a way with impressing us commoners with her/his volumous vocabulary.

    Despite spending two great years in 6th grade (FWISD), I only understand a fraction of that marvelous display of wordsmanship, which is probably not a real word but should be, though. And before anyone looks down on me, you should be advised that my two years in grade 6 added to 12 grades, which all the teachers and administrators decided was enough for me to leave school since all you need is to finish 12 grades. Pretty smart, huh?

    Back to the now not curious commenter, I got the impression that Durango bloggerman had hit on some sensitive nerves that annoyed, and possibly surprised the commenter. Exactly what the particulars are is up in the air for me, though.

    Is the mysterious commenter a preacher or someone who look down and talk down to everyone on a regular basis?

    All I'm sure about is that Don Young loves the Tandy Hills. And that Deborah (sister, wife, mother, daughter?) Young sounds like a sweet lady.

    I'm thinking I need another year of 6th grade to help me keep up with this interesting discussion.

  10. The Humane Society probably would not approve of this violence perpetrated on some the Creator's cutest two-legged creatures. They suffer already from the heat, ya know.

    I've heard of plucking and choking chickens, but banging young chicks (with what, pray tell) give Texas and Texans a bad name. SANTA should be informed of this.

  11. I'm also confused. How would Anonymous "Just Curious" commenter know about the "de-lurk"-ing? Even more, if the description is not of him/her, then why bother to "protesteth" so much.

    So-o confused, especially when the term "our right elbows....akimbo" means "a posture indicating impatience, hostility, or contempt".
