Saturday, December 3, 2011

The First Saturday Of December Has Rain Falling On North Texas

It looks like a blue view through the bars of my patio prison cell this first Saturday of the last month of 2011.

However, while the pool is blue, the sky is gray and dripping drops of wet stuff on to the ground.

We are a less parched part of the planet this morning.

More wetness is scheduled for the rest of the day, along with some possible thunderstorming. I can't remember when we last had a real strong thunderstorm in this less parched part of the planet.

It is currently 55 degrees in the outer world at my location. This means the 24 hour average has been above 50 degrees. Which means I am obligated by contract to go swimming this morning.

I think I will go do that right now before it starts raining any harder.


  1. It's wet, dreary and tad cold here in Wink. I'm off this morning to take Justin to the recruiter's office. He's determined to be all he can be.

  2. I had not paid any attention to the forecast beyond today. I did not realize we are now threatened with incoming possible snow on Monday.
