Sunday, December 11, 2011

Today I Attended Church At Village Creek & Later Checked On My Obsession

A Rare View Of An Isolated Location On Village Creek
Since today is Sunday, with me being a creature of predictable habit, this would indicate I went to my regular Sunday worship place, that being going to Arlington to the Village Creek Historic Area's Natural Cathedral, where every day of the week, and especially Sunday, you can have yourself a special type of communion with the Indian Ghosts that haunt this part of Texas.

Last Sunday there was quite a large number of worshipers in the Village Creek Natural Cathedral.

Today there were several vehicles in the church parking lot, but few in the sanctuary.

I did run into a couple with a vicious, yapping little black terrier dog, which was my wickedest ankle biter encounter since Elsie Hotpepper's pit bull/poodle mix jumped up and bit me on the butt. I was grateful that bite did not require stitches. An ice pack stifled the pain and reduced the swelling.

It was 45 degrees when I went to my special church in the noon time frame. It is 49 degrees now, over 4 hours later. I doubt it will get to 50 today. Thus, I will not be going swimming in the morning. I continue to bloat up from the loss of my regular exercise.

Changing the subject from the temperature and church and hideous weight gain to my mom.

I forgot to mention that yesterday I got gas on my way to the Tandy Hills, which, obviously required calling my mom to tell mom that I got gas. Mom was not home. So, I left a message saying how much gas cost and what the temperature was.

My mom called back, last night, to tell me that mom and dad also got gas yesterday, almost as cheap as mine. And that they have also been freezing in the Phoenix zone. One of my Aunts is visiting mom and dad, from Washington, so they have been out and about.

The biggest news my mom had for me was my nephew, CJ, who lives in Scottsdale, had his house broken into. Neighbors saw the burglary in progress and called the police who caught the perps in the act. The robbers had removed pretty much everything of value. The cops returned it all with only 2 items missing. The only missing item my mom could remember was a bottle of expensive cologne that was not returned.

What is my nephew doing with a bottle of expensive cologne I sat here and wondered? I've got myself a bottle of Calvin Klein's Obsession for Men that's got to be in about its third decade of life. It's likely fermenting into an entirely new fragrance by now.

Just a second, I'll go see.....

Still smells the same to me. Except maybe I am detecting a rancid fruit note I'd not made note of before. Now thanks to you talking me into checking on my Obsession, I'm likely going to be having myself a sneezing fit now.


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