Monday, December 12, 2011

The 2nd Monday Of December With Warmer Temperatures & Fort Worth Star-Telegram Library Propaganda

The view from my primary viewing portal on the outer world on the 2nd Monday of the last month of 2011 indicates Day 12 of December is going to be yet one more nice rain-free day in Texas.

That is scheduled to change tomorrow, according to the weather prognosticators. Tuesday's temperature high is supposedly going to reach 62 degrees, with the low being 58, which according to my swimming protocols indicates I will be able to go swimming Wednesday morning, due to the 24 hour average being over 50.

I can not go swimming this morning without violating the swimming protocols, because it is currently only 46 degrees. I don't think we got over 50 yesterday.

Changing the subject from my favorite one to Fort Worth's library system.

This morning I was a bit surprised to read the following in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram...

A little more than a year ago, the city was contemplating closing libraries and reducing hours.

But after the public made it clear that it sees libraries as essential services, those branches stayed open and the hours were restored.

Now, the City Council is poised Tuesday to approve a library master plan that includes remodeling and adding facilities and possibly pairing branches with other city departments in multipurpose facilities.

The above excerpt of propaganda from the Star-Telegram  pseudo-newspaper brought to mind the following lyrics from the John Mayer song Waiting on the World to Change...

Cause when they own the information, oh
They can bend it all they want

The city "contemplated" closing libraries and reducing hours? Is not the non-propaganda version the fact that the city did close libraries and did reduce hours?

It is true the some of the public made clear they were appalled at the shoddy way the City of Fort Worth was handling its libraries.

The cutbacks have been quite noticeable at my neighborhood East Regional Fort Worth Public Library. Fewer books on the shelves, fewer periodicals, fewer hours open, fewer days open.

And now the Star-Telegram is reporting that the City Council is poised tomorrow to approve a $58 million library master plan to remodel and add facilities, among other things. If the money can be found in these troubling economic times.

Enough of that.

I wish I could go swimming now and purge my aggravation via salubrious aerobic stimulation.

WEATHER UPDATE The weather prognosticators have disillusioned me. The morning my post dawn blue sky optimism saw no chance of rain today. By 8 this morning wet drops were falling.

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