Thursday, December 15, 2011

A Texas Sized Downpour & Lightning Strikes Keep Me From Walking Around Fosdic Lake Today

I exited my abode at noon to head to Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdic Lake so as to get some of my recommended daily salubrious endorphin inducing aerobic activity.

A small amount of precipitation was precipitating when I walked to my motorized vehicular transport.

As I headed west the 4 miles to Oakland Lake Park I saw lightning strikes in the distance.

The closer I got to Fosdic Lake the larger the amount of precipitation precipitating became.

By the time I got to the Oakland Lake Park eastern parking lot the rain had segued into heavy duty Texas-style downpour mode.

With lightning striking to the north of me, lightning striking to the south of me, lightning striking to the west of me.

I looked through my rain streaked windshield at Fosdic Lake, and its army of ducks, and decided it was likely not a good idea to wander around Fosdic Lake, under a bumbershoot, with lightning making random strikes.

So, on this very rare occasion, I let common sense get the better of me and bailed on dodging lightning bolts striking around Fosdic Lake.

Obviously I am now back under cover, in my abode, with the rain no longer falling. I think I am now in for the duration of the rest of today.

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