Friday, December 16, 2011

The 3rd Friday Of December Thinking About Not Swimming & A Republican Debate

This morning is already the morning of the 3rd Friday of the last month of 2011. Day 16 of December appears, judging from the view from my primary viewing portal on the world to be, currently, free of rain, with a sky only partially covered by clouds.

The outer world is being chilled to only 10 degrees above freezing at this point in time.

After yesterday's aborted attempt, due to lightning strikes, to walk around Fosdic Lake, I am desperate for endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation. I suspect I will find such stimulation somehow, somewhere, today.

Speaking of endorphin inducing stimulation, I made it all the way through last night's Iowa Republican Debate on Fox News.

I don't quite understand why I am finding watching the Republican debates this election season to be entertaining Reality TV.

From watching the debates I've come to an opinion or two. One is, I really do not like Michelle Bachman. She is like some bad substitute for Sarah Palin. Less good looking and, I think, even dumber.And not nearly as likable. I can't stand how she seems to be always squinting and smiling at the same time as she says the dumb, misinformed things she says. I liked Newt Gingrich calling her on her nonsense last night.

I like Ron Paul. Methinks his thinking is in the right place, though he seems to have trouble articulating what he thinks in a way that does not come across as wacky doodle.

I never hold anyone's religion against them. Unless they wear it on their sleeve and try and convince me that I must think what they think.

However, I have long had a bit of a problem with the Mormon religion. Somehow believing that Jesus left Jerusalem and journeyed to the New World where he preached to the Natives is just a tad odd. When the Spaniards arrived in the New World they did not find the Natives practicing Christianity. The Spaniards got very violent trying to force Christianity on the Natives.

So, how do the Mormons explain Jesus' apparent failure in the New World, while he sparked the start of Christianity in the Old World?

This is very perplexing to me.

I knew nothing about Mormonism til I visited the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, years ago. And saw murals on walls depicting Jesus ministering to the Native Americans.


And then there is the comic relief provided by Texas.

Rick Perry.

I actually like Rick Perry more now than I did before all his exposure due to running for President. I had no idea he was such a clueless goofball.

John Huntsman is probably a very competent guy. Saying this is what is known as damning by faint praise.

I don't like Rick Santorum. Don't quite know why. Maybe it's my aversion to people who seem to always be smiling when they talk. Yes, I can be very shallow at times.

And then there is Newt. I have always liked Newt Gingrich. He had me last night, again, when he referenced Thomas Jefferson, once again displaying his knowledge of the actual history of America, as opposed to someone like Michelle Bachman, who was unaware that America has not had an embassy in Iran for decades.

Enough of politics. It is time to go swimming. Unfortunately it is too cold for that.


  1. Somehow, I find the degree of our agreement about the Republican candidates to be almost surprising, though I cut Mormonism more slack than you. Maybe I stayed in too many Marriotts over the years.

    About Newt - an added plus is the conventional wisdom is that he cannot win, whereas he was one of the main architects of the greatest electoral shift of my lifetime - Republican takeover of the House. It reminds me of what similar conventional wisdom said about a washed up California actor. That time around, I voted Libertarian. This time, I'm inclined to vote to make a difference.

  2. Steve A, I have heard somewhere before that Great Minds think alike. This would seem to be evidence of this phenomenon.

    I don't think I have ever stayed in a Marriotts.
