Sunday, November 6, 2011

Earthquakes Keep Shaking Oklahoma & Texas While Seismic Crews Cover Arlington's Veterans Park With Wires

Seismic Crew Working At Arlington's Veterans Park
We have had a lot of seismic activity in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex zone the past 24 hours. Some of it is locally generated, while the more jolting seismic activity is incoming from Oklahoma, where the earth continues to move with what TX Sharon is calling a "Massive number of earthquakes in Oklahoma."

I have felt none of the Oklahoma shakers, but I did come upon some seismic activity in Arlington today at Veterans Park.

Barnett Shale seismic testers have laid out wire and equipment all over Veterans Park.

The Veterans Park Memorial Soldier
 Guarding Today's Full Parking Lot
Today all that wiring and equipment laying on the ground seemed particularly odd because the park was particularly busy. The north parking lot was completely full. Cars were parking curbside on the road. I managed to find a parking spot in the almost full south parking lot.

How is permission granted to allow wires and equipment to be laid all over a public park? I wondered this years ago at Arlington's River Legacy Park when I had a seismic tester encounter on the mountain bike trail, with the tester going the wrong way on the bike trail on an off-road motorized vehicle. It was dangerous.

Throngs Of Park Goers Trying Not To Trip
Over Seismic Trip Wires
This year seismic testing wire and equipment showed up all over the Village Creek Natural Historical Area, also in Arlington.

And now there are wires on the ground all over Veterans Park.

Today Veterans Park was extra busy due to some sort of Disc Golf event going on. There were Disc Golf holes in locations I don't remember seeing them before. For instance there was a large group of people around the Veterans Park Turtle Pond watching disc golfers throw their disc at a target on the other side of the pond.

Seismic Testing Equipment & Wire Littering Veterans Park
Do the Seismic Testers pay the City of Arlington some sort of fee for the right to lay wire and equipment all over Arlington's public parks?

If someone trips on one of the seismic tripwires and breaks a leg, who's is liable for the injury? The city? Or the seismic testers?

If the seismic testers decide there is some exploitable Barnett Shale under Veterans Park, where will the drill pad site be located?

Seismic Testing Wire Running Up A Veterans Park
Hill That Many People Play On
It sort of surprises me, I suppose because of my northwest mindset, that monkey wrenchers don't wreak havoc with the seismic testing in public parks in Texas.

Or that some well meaning citizen doesn't decide the wire and equipment is littering the park and then gathers it up and toss it in the nearest dumpster.

Very perplexing. I wonder if the earth will move here tonight?

1 comment:

  1. I live next to Veterans Park in Arlington. My apartment building sits on a steep hillside and I am on the 2nd floor which is equivalent to the 3rd floor on the backside of my building. I have noticed that our parking lot is getting worse and worse in the past mnth, almost like you need 4 wheel drive. In my bedroom there is a slope from one end to the other and I have now realized a indention in the floorboard under my carpet. Is it possible this is a result of the drilling? I have seen alot of those devices around my neighborhood. When I arrived home this evening I also found a note on my door from the Apartment office letting everyone know that all the apartments will be inspected for generic reasons, like condition of appliances and carpet etc. Sounds a little suspicious to me.I am actually getting a little scared as I hear all these things going on.
