Sunday, November 6, 2011

Daylight Savings Time Ends With A Big Earthquake In Oklahoma Felt In Fort Worth

It is a stormy sky we see looking through the bars of my patio prison cell on this first Sunday of the next to last month of 2011.

Currently, at 65 degrees, the outer world in my location is being heated to a temperature 34 degrees warmer than my old location in the state of Washington.

The end of Daylight Savings Time seems to have arrived with no major disruption, other than the sun seemed to arrive earlier than it did yesterday morning.

The earth moved last night in my location, but I did not feel it. Central Oklahoma was hit with an even bigger earthquake by the end of Saturday than it was early Saturday morning.

A 5.6 magnitude earthquake struck at 10:53 pm Saturday night, epicentered 44 miles northeast of Oklahoma City. A 5.6 magnitude quake is the strongest recorded in Oklahoma since earthquakes records have been recorded.

Apparently many people in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex zone reported feeling the quake, including Elsie Hotpepper.

Now that Standard Time has restored order to my immediate world, I think I will go swimming while these balmy temperatures last.

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