Friday, October 21, 2011

With Betty Jo Bouvier & The Afternoon View Of Texas & Washington's Central Markets

If I remember right I've referenced the morning view through the bars of my patio prison cell a time or two. I do not recollect ever referencing the afternoon view from my patio prison cell.

That is what you are looking at in the picture. The Friday afternoon view through the bars of my patio prison cell.

As you can see, it is a bit brighter than the morning view.

And warmer. Currently it is 80 degrees out there, somewhere between 5 and 6pm.

I was talking to Betty Jo Bouvier a few minutes ago about the salubrious benefits of herbal teas. This led me to mentioning where one might find Kava Kava tea. In my location I can find Kava Kava at Sprouts Farmers Market and Central Market.

Betty Jo Bouvier is in Washington. That is an American state in the far northwest corner of the country. Washington has no Sprouts Farmers Market. Until this afternoon I thought Washington did have a Central Market.

Well, actually, Washington does have a Central Market. It is just not the Texas version.

I remember when first I heard that a Central Market had opened in Mill Creek, in Washington, thinking it odd that Central Market would be expanding to Washington when they have only recently expanded from Austin to the Dallas/Fort Worth zone.

I had heard reports from Washingtonians about the Mill Creek Central Market. What a great grocery store it was. When I asked if they'd gone to Burger and Bock this was met with confusion. That should have been a clue to me.

So, today, whilst conversing with Betty Jo, about tea, I looked up Central Market Mill Creek. Then went to their website. Surprisingly low quality level website for a Central Market operation, I thought to myself. It did not take much looking at this website to realize the Central Market in Mill Creek has nothing to do with the Austin based Central Market, except for sharing a name.

The Austin based Central Market's website matches what I'd expect from a Central Market Texas website.

I must try and remember which Washingtonians I have told that they need to check out Mill Creek's Central Market and make amends.


  1. I went to both web sites. While the Texas one is a lot fancier, I wonder if you have lived in Texas long enough to start confusing flash with quality? Say it ain't so, Durango!

  2. Steve A, I do have an aversion to the bad use of flash. The Central Market website did not seem too bad. With the Mill Creek Washington Central Market website I was not liking the using of the small Times Roman font. I always think that makes a website look dated. I do fear, though, that you may be a bit correct, after more than a decade in Texas, I am beginning to pick up some bad habits.
