Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Last Saturday Of October Waiting To Stand To Watch A Wet World Series Game Tonight At The Ballpark In Arlington

You're looking out my primary viewing portal on the world at the barely post-dawn view of the last Saturday of the 10th month of 2011.

The sky is currently clear of clouds in my location.

Apparently this currently clear sky will start to fill with clouds as Saturday progresses. By 7pm, at the start of tonight's World Series game at the Ballpark in Arlington, the weather predictors are predicting a 50% chance of rain falling on the field.

I did not get a ticket to tonight's World Series game. All that left were standing room only non-seats. While those non-seats were a bargain at something like $380 I did not think I could stand for several hours, not in my delicate condition.

I have not gone swimming for 2 or 3 mornings in a row. My aching elbow joint problem seems to have greatly abated. Was this caused pain being caused by swimming? I don't know. But, I may find out this morning when I return to the pool in a few minutes.

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