Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Walking With Village Creek Ghosts With A Half Bottle Of Wine Thinking About Being An Expletive Deleted Annoying Dumbass

Why would someone leave a bottle of barbecue lighter fluid and a half full bottle of wine on the viewing platform deck at the Village Creek Bayou in the Village Creek Natural Historical Area?

Very perplexing waste of wine. Maybe it did not go well with the barbecue.

I thought walking among the Indian ghosts under the big oak trees that shade Village Creek might make me feel better.

It didn't.

I may be coming down, or already be down, with some ailment. Or maybe it's an allergy that's got me having cold symptoms.

Switching the subject now from me and my misery to something else.

When I log into the Blogger deal to do a blogging the first thing I come to is called the Dashboard. The Dashboard tells me how many blog posts have been made since I started making blog posts back in 2008.

The Dashboard also tells me how many comments have been made to the blog posts.

I usually don't notice these particular stats, but I did today.

This current blog post is #3,940. That is a lot of babbling. I mean blogging.

But, beyond the out of control babbling. I mean blogging. What is even more baffling is I have hit the publish button on 5,222 blog post comments.

That seems like a lot of comments.

But, there have probably been 5 times that many comments that I didn't hit the publish button on.

Like a couple days ago someone calling him or herself "Anonymous" made a comment to a blog post titled TXU & Oncor Energy Service Sucks, from back in May of 2010, that I did not hit the publish button on, even though I thought the comment was funny.

This is what Anonymous had to say (expletives not deleted, bad grammar not corrected).....

You sound like a fucking annoying dumbass. Whats wrong with just calling Oncor? OMG you have to actually get up off your ass and call someone. Will you live? Hopefully not. You whine bitch and moan for over an hour of no electricity? Your the biggest dumb mother fucking pussy I have ever heard of. Be a man, people can live without power. TXU buys the power and Oncor takes care of the Delivery Grid you ape. Remember that when you call someone with your ESI number, stupid, EID? your such an Idiot. its ESI so already I know you don't know what the hell your talking about.

Wasn't that pleasant? Comments like the above always make me wonder why it is that people who so readily call someone stupid are invariably so stupid they don't know that "your" is a possessive pronoun, and that "you" and "are" can be contracted as "you're"?

1 comment:

  1. This brilliant commenter must have written that gem after swigging his cocktail of half bottle of wine and lighter fluid. Probably also employed by Chesapeake or MHMR of Tarrant county.
