Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Sunny Sunday Day Before Halloween With No Texas Ranger Celebration Party This Year At The Ballpark In Arlington

Looking out my primary viewing portal on the last Sunday of October I can see that it appears to be yet one more sunny Sunday in Texas, so far, today.

With today being the next to last day of October that makes tomorrow the biggest holiday of the year.


I've not decided, yet, which area neighborhood I'll be doing my trick or treating in. Maybe Interlochen.

I am very disappointed that I won't be going to any celebration of this year's Texas Rangers almost championship season.

The Texas Rangers told Arlington city officials that they preferred there not to be a public event this year. Last year thousands of fans showed up for a part outside the Ballpark in Arlington. I was not among the thousands.  I don't think I was invited.

Changing the subject from not getting invited to parties to the temperature.

It is warmer this morning than yesterday morning at 44 degrees. I went swimming twice yesterday, once in the early morning when it appeared there was frost on the roofs. And then again after I got back from the Tandy Hills when it was in the 60s with no frost on the roofs.

I have not yet decided if I am going swimming this last Sunday morning of October.

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