Sunday, October 30, 2011

Another Tire Has Arrived On The Tandy Hills Which Were Not Being Flash Flooded With A Broken Fort Worth Water Main Today

Tandy Tire # 3
I, and I am sure the Lawn Whisperer, also, was pleased to see, today, that Tandy Creek is no longer being flash flooded by a broken Fort Worth Water Main.

And that Tandy Falls is no longer roaring and has returned to being Dry Tandy Falls.

Yesterday the water that was flash flooding was quite clear, like water flowing in a creek in a pristine mountain zone. Today the water that remained was a murky shade of bluish gray.

I was surprised today to discover, just slightly south of Tandy Falls, on the Tandy Highway, another Tandy Tire. This one is not a GIANT tire. It is more of a regular size. This tire was mated with what I assume is fiberglass from the inner part of the tire.

Dry Tandy Falls
Is Tandy Tire #3 part of the continuing work of the Tandy Hills Guerrilla Artist? I have no idea. Did this tire come from Don Young's Engulfed Death Car? Or maybe the Death Van associated with the Witchey Tree?

Is the person hauling all these heavy tires on the Tandy Hills acting alone? Or is there an accomplice?

I think an accomplice would definitely be required to help with the GIANT Tandy Tires.

It was near perfect conditions on the Tandy Hills today. I was back in short pants, again, after being in long pants yesterday. It was in the mid 60s today, with a good wind blowing.

I did not last too long in the pool today. It seemed cold.

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