Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Semi-Chilly 6th Morning Of October In Texas

Looking closely through the bars of my patio prison cell the pool is looking particularly inviting to me this 6th morning of October, the first Thursday of the 10th month of 2011.

The outer world in my location is currently air-conditioned to 32 degrees above 32 degrees.

I had the most convoluted night of convoluted dreams that kept waking me up and kept making sense, until this morning when I can make no sense of it. The dreams/nightmares were all based on some conspiratorial type thing that Elsie Hotpepper told me. That is all I remember.

My computer started vexing me this morning. Re-starting it seems to have fixed the vexation. At least for now.

I'm going swimming now with the hope that it helps my sore aching body parts.

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